• In this year I stopped working (on the blog), many follow-up posts could have been possible. The riots eventually died down in London - although rumours of an impending disaster on the financial markets haven't, the killer of Utøya got sentenced to life in prison in Norway - and actually confirmed my first impression of being a pathetic human being that was let down by all around him (or at least those that matter) in an early age. Its sad so many people died for nothing, but it just happened again, a few weeks ago in a cinema in Colorado in the US where another young man executed strangers because he felt like a looser. I predict not for the last time. Byline: Are there any mass-shooters that are lost women dissapointed by life? What is it that makes young men so angry?

    There were many many MANY top stories that have come and gone but I have gotten pretty good at blocking them out, because a)I don't feel like I need to know everything b) news is still mainly depressing  and c)it is not required of me to listen/read/see 15 news bulletins anymore. Im pleased. I wanted something different and I got it. In another country mind you, working in a language I never though I really needed to learn (shame on young arrogant me) but now I say "god arbejdslyst" like it was the easiest thing in the world (A danish expression for "enjoy work for the rest of the day" - not easily pronounced mind you).

    Little Fox and Mister F have grown into being their own little persons, one being sly like a fox who clearly likes to tease others but gets away with anything because he learned to smize (smile with his eyes copyright:Tyra) - the teasing is clearly from his daddy's genes. The other one is his own social conglomerate! Mister F is a multinational entity that has interests spread over a large territory. He loves girls, but he also loves boys. He loves games, painting, cakes, running, singing.. well alot of stuff kids love and when he wants something, you are not in doubt! He's very determined but just like a successful business-owner he is totally aware he won't get far without charm. So he uses it continuously. 

    In the meantime, I try to do the best I can, and beat myself up about not having read a single book in a year (to be fair I started this one but Im no way near finishing it yet). I haven't yet written a book about some really interesting topic (as half of my generation seems to have done already), but I don't even manage to get my bangs cut when they should so... Its easy to beat yourself up. And it doesn't get you anywhere. I want to focus on what I do well. And I think Im pretty good at my job, Im concentrated on my children and family and their wellbeing. Amongst the things I love is to write . So that is what I will do, basically I will concetrate on the now. That is always a good start.

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  • ...that is not really why I stopped blogging a year ago. Why did I stop?

    I started something else. many new things actually. It's crazy, but having a full-time job and two small kids doesn't actually leave you alot of time to use on personal stuff like blogging. Who would have thought? in the meantime I did try meditation, sports (or did I?) and meeting new friends.. but I miss blogging. (plus facebook is tedious)

    So miss kolka is back - so many thoughts have filled my head and now I have a whole new world to blog about as I have become a communication consultant right here in Copenhagen! Yeaj me for being so awesome. 

    man - those two people who wander onto the blog occasionally are in for a treat!

    *** welcome back me ***

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  • That news blackout didn't last long. (first of all my phone keeps sending me Le Monde updates about the stockmarkets, not once a day but 6 times a day! Every bloody time a market opens or closes, whether they are low, high or haven't changed, Le Monde considers this the only breaking news worthy of sending push notifications for) Grrrreat. Not that there is anything happening in other areas... or is there?

    No matter how much I tried to block out news from London by not logging into news sites, not watching tv news, not listening to the radio or even (yes EVEN) having a facebook blackout, I couldn't help but notice that there are very frustrated youths rioting in London.

    People seem to have been cought by surprise (although when going back, there were predictions of Riots on the news by young people when several youth houses were closed down around the 29th of july "there will be riots, there will be riots"). I doubt the only reason people are rioting and more disturbingly looting shops, is because they don't have a hangout anymore. In the last few days, analysts and media have been trying to analyse the reasons behind this anger and the civil unrest that followed. Although it seems to be calming down, as ordinary citizens have taken to the streets to defend their neighbourhoods in the last couple of days, people would like to understand the underlying causes.

    What are the reasons? Do the looters have a cause? Or are these just opportunistic brats who take advantage of the situation to get free phones and a new pair of jeans? Could it be that the anger is caused by the feeling that there is no hope for a brighter future? And what is the role of the media in all this?

    As mentioned by the excellent Jon snow on the snowblog, the hope doesnt seem to be delivered by the politicians to the those in need of it. In Britain, like in other western countries, the gap between the rich and the poor has just been getting bigger and expecations get more and more unrealistic. People are bombarded with images of "succesful" people, of celebrities with incredible wealth and the idea that money is the most important thing in your life, so when they are reminded everyday they do not have any money or any prospect of getting out of a difficult situation, the level of frustration might rise considerably. That is no reason to go and loot or get violent you might say. But add to that racial discrimination, poor job projects and cuts in public spending and you might get an explosive situation.

    There are also other questions.
    Is the quest for ever faster News and information on the go contributing to this environment? News news news. Updates and endless debates (if you can call 2:30 min section a debate)  and everybody has to make sure to say something else than half an hour ago when they last were on air.  Should the Media be more careful in covering the news? Because it could well be that the coverage of the first night of riots might have added fuel to the fire for subsequent days.  Perhaps breaking news for the sake of updating the page/the bulletin is not always the way to go forward.

    Should all this focus be on money (eternal news on rising/crashing stocks, the worship of business and approbation of wealthy celebrities, no matter what they do)? Is it healthy, as most of us will never attend that ceiling and that many are struggling to even make end meets, to always expect or strive for something that you cannot have? (And let's not even touch on the issue of single parents, that I admire for their tenacity in this messed up world- it seems almost impossible to live without two incomes to support a family)

    I heard a good explanation the other day of why the Danish are called the happiest people on earth in recent polls. It's not that everything is much better here than elsewhere, it is perhaps due to less expectations. Maybe the Danes are better than the rest to enjoy what they have and not focus on unattainable things. It does'nt mean all is rozy here. for one, I have to start looking for a new job as my contract is coming to an end, and the job prospects are not promising on the job market right now.

    But no worries, it doesn't mean Im going to loot my favourite dress shop. I'll just wait for success like anybody else, being a good girl and do as I am told. 

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  • The news keep telling us it's serious this time. The 2008 crisis was nothing in comparison to the financial hurricane that is coming our way. We need to brace ourselves because its gonna hurt this time. Less jobs in the European Union (just what we needed), the stockmarkets unstable and we might have to pump more money into the banks. Its looking grimm but still they expect us to keep spending. I say, lets grow up, pay our debts and stop living on an economy where the guessing game is so 20's and irresponsible and that doesnt produce any products (other than golden parachutes for the few).  Shouldn't the economy be based on real products and what we actually are producing instead of being about speculations, air and people with money that will only make more money out of money - only for themselves? We should all benefit from the fruits of our work. In the meantime, Im not going to read the news for a while. Life is too fun to spend it in worry.


    p.s. Blogging on the phone still isn't all that. Are we saying Miss will need an ipad to be able to blog more often?

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  • One of the best lines in a book I have been reading recently:

    "Even in the worst tragedies and crisis, there's no reason to add to everyone's misery by looking miserable yourself. That's my philosophy. This is why I always wore makeup and jewelry into the jungle, nothing too extravagant, but maybe just a nice gold bracelet and some earrings, a little lipstick, good perfume. Just enough to show I still had my self-respect."

    I agree one hundred percent. Its not about looking smart, its about the greater good.

    I know my friend Thomas would understand.

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