• Its cool to say you have cool friends. Because somehow that makes you cool as well. Its even better when its true (because many might say it but they might be lying, even worse, not realize their friends are lame). Rest assured Im not lying, so see for yourself!

    Recently two of my good friends have taken to the internet in a new form of blogging. Short blogs to share what they liked/saw/found interesting during their everyday life. Some people have the eye for it, others dont.

    The Porcupine Concubine and The Shoes Reporter both have it. Each in their own right. One writes in English, the other one in French.  

    By the way, did I mention they are my friends? 

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    Should we laugh or cry?

    in 2010, A report from the United Nations tells us that women are still far, far behind men when it comes to power. That's where the dog lies burried (! as we say in Icelandic). And something needs to be done. According to the statistics apparently there are more men than women in the world (due to countries like India and China) and for the younger age groups. When it comes to people over 50 however, there is a surplus of women. Which would make sense, I know a woman who once said it was impossible to find "eligible" men over 50, they were all taken, alcholics or dead.

    And still 40 years after the equality battle started the glass-ceiling is far from being broken. 

     "...Women hold an average of 17 per cent of the seats in parliament, and only seven of 150 elected heads of state and 11 of 192 heads of government are women...only 13 of the world's 500 largest corporations were led by female CEOs in 2009."  

    We are back to women always having to prove they are somehow extraordinary because they have power positions, the norm is still for men to control the world. Back I say, in the discussion, because in reality we have never come away from it. This theme is very much in vogue at the moment and as I wanted to mention the new Danish tv show "Borgen" (aka Christiansborg, the name of the Danish parliament - a show about the insides of power struggles in the Danish parliament when the leader of a traditionally minority party becomes the first female Prime minister of the country), it just happens that last sunday the theme was how the government tried to pass an "equality law", installing quotas in Danish firms for 45% of board of directors to be women. It did not go down well with the male dominated Danish industry is all I can tell you.

    Although this show is fiction, its concerns are very much based in reality. The characters are in some cases based on real persons. So much so that the head of big Danish corporation Maersk asked to see the script of this last episode before it was aired. In the episode, the head of the biggest Danish corporation "Crohne" asks to see the PM and threatens to take all his activities out of the country if he is forced to have women on his board of directors. Interesting. No Dane that watches the show is in doubt that Crohne is a reference to Maersk in real life. Fiction or reality, no woman has ever been Prime minister in Denmark. That is yet. Social-Democrate Helle Thorning-Schmidt seems a strong candidate for the elections of 2011 since "Venstre" has lost its charismatic leader Anders Fogh Rasmussen to NATO. 

    Why are women still lagging behind? Is it biology, the difficulty of changing social values and beliefs, because men are not helping the cause or simply because women themselves keep working against each other? Impossible to have a straight answer, although my bedsite reading is giving me alot to think about. "Le Conflit, La femme et la mére" by Elisabeth Badinter is thought-provoking in an unexpected way. I started to read the book amidst the deepest fog and could really not concentrate on the reading while I was in the middle of the Fox's first 6 months. After the fog lifted, however I see the book in a whole new light. It gives an insight into the naturalism of motherhood and the imperfections working or stay at home mothers deal with and all the guilt. But while you are struggling with it yourself you don't want to hear about how breastfeeding isn't really all it is said to be. Therefore you cannot read this book impartially in those vulnerable moments. Now my brain is back, I will address this in more detail later here on this blog.

    Impossible to separate women's movement and the issues of mother-(parent)hood. Oh how far away those days days seem now, when I was crying justice in my twenties: "women and men are just the same and we deserve the same". Perhaps my views have changed, I think its impossible to ignore biological differences between the sexes but the core issues remain the same. There is no reason women should not participate more in decision making, we just have to adapt to what nature has given us and find the right balance.


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  • They are a pain and everybody hates doing them, yet a cover letter is a must these days. I did one for an advertising agency (No name) that told me politely to sod off, my application would not even be considered since I don't have a British passport.  A shame. I spent some time writing this one which is different from what I usually do so why not publish it here? The job required somebody who loves to write, in English.

    Dear Advertising agency with no name,


    As noticed on your website:
    “When consumers perceive a product to be identical to others, they will want to know more about the company behind the product - about its attitudes and values. So where previously the product was equated with the brand, it will be the company and its values that will position the brand in the future.” 

    Please have a closer look at my products:

    Overview of Qualifications:

    o   Degree in Communication, Film and  Media , Cambridge, UK

    o   5 years of work experience as a journalist

    o   Experience in writing for newspapers, television and websites

    o   Fluency in Danish, English, French and Icelandic

    o   Professional skills in video and editing, as well as with webtools and mobile systems

    The best way to get to know our brand is through direct communication and then we can talk about words and language. What kind of a journalist would I be if I didn’t cherish the written word and its perks?!
     I write in English because I have studied, worked and loved in the language of Shakespeare, Kennedy and Tarantino. I could write in French or Icelandic but my choice is an international and modern one in our multicultural world. I would be a good addition to such a multidisciplinary corporation as is No name since I have experience in working on different platforms. Not only do I have theoretical background in digital media, film, journalism and communication, but also relevant work experience in all those fields that could benefit No name's multiple departments. My international profile testifies to my ability to take into account cultural differences and my willingness to search for solutions in all directions. 

    The products are effective: I come with skills in writing, editing and producing plus the extra international dimension: you can sell me anywhere! (where they speak English, French, Icelandic or Danish).

    As a brand we have clear values: we value team spirit, experience and creativity.  Our previous partners have been satisfied with our collaboration and we are pleased to announce that our products have never been returned. Our company guarantees customer satisfaction.

    Please feel free to look over the attached resume for further details.

    “Advertising is based on one thing: happiness. And telling the consumer he’s ok.”  MM season 1

    I ‘m more than ok, I’m happy!

    Best regards, 

    Miss Kolka

    p.s. No name - no relation to the actual NO name brand. 


    2 commentaires
  • ....and I chickened out, for now.

    I can't decide whether the video blog is the new black or not. Granted it is easy and fun (when you get past the technical bit so things do not look totally deformed) but perhaps my love for the written word is just too strong. It is not the same to talk to your phone, record and send the subject matter as to write about it and take time to ponder over the meaning of every sentence. Ok. Maybe Im writing without having a plan every time, but you're not supposed to know that. I have not given up on the video totally though. Some projects are just better with moving images, especially the one I have been thinking about for so long...

    For now I need to concentrate on the job hunt. Looking to impress in a new country for the third time around is time consuming. Not to mention when the "trois hommes" also need full attention. But Im getting there. Im getting pretty good at organizing myself and most importantly, I haven't lost the spirit...yet.

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  • HAHAHAHA something proper: Watch misses mumintroll HERE instead for the smallnose version...

    but seriously, I have a dream and when I get past the technical hurdles, how knows, you might live it with me...this blog might become more interesting than it actually is (No!!! is that possible? Really?? ;)) 

    I haven'´t forgotten the filmmaker's comment: If you blog on video, I will visit the site everyday!

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