I applied for my first job here in DK. Don't think I will get it though. Had an enlightening phonecall but that is all part of it. and this is only the beginning. Nothing can stop me now. 

    Does this mean I'll stop blogging about babies and baking?? More importantly, does that make you happy? Does it matter? Its my blog and I cry if I want to... 

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    3 egg yolks
    80 gr Icing sugar

    250 gr Mascarpone
    lemon zest 

    ->mix at low speed, eggs and sugar first

    1 strong coffee
    macaroons or lady fingers (dip them in the coffee)

    bits of chocolate 


    Layers of coffee-soaked cookies, mascarpone cream, and raspberries

    sprinkle chocolate over 


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  • is it russian, or australian or from New Zealand? Who knows but wherever it is from, its one easy desert: meringue + whipped cream + fruits!

    For the recipe check the Joy of baking

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  • Because we all like to eat and because the Internet has zillion food recipes, I've decided to link to good food blogs or forums, post some of the good ones and even occasionally put in some of my own recipes under *CHef Kolka* here on the menu to the right. They might be in french , icelandic or french...and if you don't understand but you are interested, just leave your comment and I'll be happy to translate. However, this will also help me to have all the recipes I like in one place plus it means it will be easier to update this blog. But really, its just an excuse to take more food picture (like the "Bollur" above,homebaked pastries filled with whipped cream and topped with melted dark chocolate)

    If you're lucky I might even share some pictures, because if you're feeling blue, all you have to do is google some juicy Cupcakes...mmmm tarataradurumdurumdum...


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  • is a CHARLOTTE AUX FRAISES (with strawberries) 

    borrowed from Les foodies... and in french! 

    Ingrédients (6 personnes):

    Ingrédients :
    3 paquets de Boudoirs
    250g de mascarpone
    4 CS de sirop d'agave
    500g de fraises
    15cl d'eau
    1 CS de marsala aux amandes






    Lavez et équeutez les fraises. Coupez  en petits morceaux(en garder quelques une pour la déco), mixer grossièrement (laisser quelques morceaux de fraises) et réservez.


    Dans un bol, mélangez le mascarpone et  4 cs de sirop d'agave., reprendre votre "purée de fraises" et mélanger au mascarpone
    Dans un plat creux, mélangez l'eau, et le marsala  Trempez-y les boudoirs et tapissez en un moule à charlotte.


    Dans le fond du moule couvrez de biscuits puis mettez le mascarpone aux fraises. Couvrez de nouveau de biscuits et fermez le moule à charlotte.

    Placez au frais pour au moins 4h, ou faire la charlotte la veille.

    Source: Recette de Charlotte aux fraises et mascarpone 

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